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  • Miley Cyrus Role Model

    November 6th, 2010Info2uLatest News

    Miley is more precious and valuable in our eyes than some pop star that just arrived on the scene because we have lived with her as a young girl on TV for years. And some people are surprised at parent’s reactions to her “Who Owns My Heart” video. Why the reaction? We see her as more than a female body, we see her as a valuable person. If we really viewed all women the way we view Miley, we would be outraged at every provocative scene, just as we would if our daughters were on there. And they are on there! We think its OK to look at them as “meat” and mentally disrespect every part of their body. But they ARE our daughters. They are more valuable than anything and we don’t treat them as we should. We’ve been doing it for years.

    “Let her do what she wants; if you don’t want your kids watching her videos or listening to her music, then don’t let them. It’s that simple.”

    No, it’s not. There is no 100% way to censor what our children watch. Things like this Miley video will affect them whether we like it or not. If, by some miracle, they don’t see it, they will be affected by the people who do, in their fashion and in their attitude toward sexuality. The phrase, “If you don’t like it, don’t watch it” just isn’t effective and is downright unreasonable in this day and age.

    It’s unreasonable to expect 100% cencorship, especially now with this kind of information all over the internet. These ideas and actions infiltrate our schools and our children’s minds whether we want them to or not. “If you don’t like it, don’t watch it.” – Does not work. It probably never did.

    We can’t expect to instill the values we want if those values are undermined by everyone else.

    Some say, “Why are these parent groups so shocked and incensed in the first place? This is pop music we are talking about and these are young women coming into the peak of their sexuality. It’s what sells in the American marketplace so it’s a no brainer to me.”

    Miley has more of an impact on our teen girls than most other people her age. She is not the only factor by far, but she is still a contributing factor.

    So she’s “coming into her sexuality”. Is she doing so properly by looking into a camera while laying on a bed half-clothed? Is this OK? We want our own daughters doing this? I know 17 year old girl that gave naked pictures of herself to her boyfriend, and I’m willing to bet that those pictures are now on the internet somewhere for anyone to see. Is this acceptable?

    This doesn’t just affect girls, it affects men too. We’ve broken down the barriers to childhood sexuality and some men find themselves entertaining questions they wouldn’t have entertained before? “Is it really wrong to lust after a child or be sexually active with a child?” Don’t kid yourselves. They ARE thinking it. Hopefully, they don’t act on it, but at least some of their willpower is being broken down by society’s lower and lower standards of what’s acceptable for childhood sexual behavior and what’s OK to watch on TV.

    View the original article here

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